Pastor Alvin Harrison and his wife Psalmist Brenda Harrison.
Mission of the Ministry
To Impact, influence, and affect the lives of men and women, provoking them to make a difference in
their lives, their homes, their communities, their nation, and in the world.
To impact is to make a strong effect or impression that is usally firmly fixed within the hearts and minds of others.
Believe it or not, we all impact others in some form or fashion. We encourage you, "For His Name's Sake" to always strive
to make a positive impact within the lives of those that you come in contact with. The Word of God informs us that we
are living epistles, read of all men. In other words, somebody is watching you. God is expecting us as Christians
to make difference - within your homes, our communities, our churches, our jobs, and ultimately in the world. Remmeber,
you might be the only Jesus that others will ever see.
Does your life influence those around you? Have you ever thought about that? Is your influence positive or
is it negative? When others leave your presence, what do they leave with? I know I'm asking a lot of questions,
and I do so intentionally because this is something we need to think about as Christians. You might be the last person
that individual makes contact with before entering into eternity, and you could be their key to heaven or hell. So,
as Christians, let's represent Christ to all.
To impact and influence is to affect. To affect is to impact and influience. I encourage you, "dare to be
different," and, "dare to make a difference." One of the definitions for the word affect is to bring about a change
in. A change in your disposition, a change in your attititude, a change in your lifestyle, a change in the way you treat
others. In order to make this change we need the help of the Almighty Father. We cannot do this alone, but with
God we can do all things, because He gives us the strength to do so. You can't, but the God that lives inside of you