The Vision
The vision of Gods
Grace Ministries is naturally complex yet spiritually possible and conquerable.
The vision teaches the Body of Christ to not be mediocre with its growth.
We will strive to continue to grow as individuals and as a ministry until Christ returns. Be it tomorrow, next month, next year, next decade, next century, next millennium, etc., we will continue
to grow and get closer to God. To summarize the vision, it is building churches
and equipping existing churches with a vision to see the standard God desires us to live according to His Word.
problem is, we get saved, we do ministry, and we get satisfied with who we are and where we are. We should never be satisfied and mediocre with where we are. We
should continue to seek God daily. Believers should seek God until that day when
we see Him Spirit to spirit, and that is when we shall find Him. If I were to
build one church, so what? I impact a group of communities in the surrounding
area. However, when Jesus left, he charged his disciples, His followers, to teach
all nations. Therefore, through the building of churches all around, as well
as acquiring fellowships with existing churches, together we can bring Gods Word to all nations.
That also means leaving
the traditions that man has created so that we may model our lives after the Word of God.
Being that Jesus IS the Word of God, we essentially model our lives after Jesus Christ, our Savior. Traditions, rituals, concepts, and ideologies of man can lead us astray.
However, following the Word of God, we can never be led astray; only led into the arms of Jesus. So those that come in contact with Gods Grace Ministries may not find what they are accustomed to doing, but what they will find is Gods will and His
The vision starts in
Georgia. Churches will be built around the perimeter of
Atlanta, using Interstate 285 as the perimeter boundary. Next, a main church
will be built on the interior of that perimeter. Then, churches will be built
in various areas of extreme North, South, East, and West Georgia. This will serve as a blueprint for creating a
foundation of Christ in a state. This blueprint will be used to setup like patterns
in other states until the nation has been covered. At that point, the nation
will be divided into various regions, with churches appointed to oversee that region.
Once that has been done, churches that border Canada will move into Canada, and an international ministry headquarters will be established in the South Florida area. It will also create locations in Texas and California. The California location will be dedicated to Mexico and Central America. The Texas location will be dedicated to South America. The South Florida location will be dedicated to the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, and Europe.
Once this has all been
established, there is nothing left to do but to allow it to grow and to continue to manifest Gods will into the nations of
the world. When Jesus comes, we want to be able to have a great multitude of
believers ready to follow Christ into heaven. Right now, the world is not doing
so good. But the healing of the land, our government, our communities, and our
people has been charged to us; Gods children. Let us gather together to give
the world that God created, back to Him!